
fa la la la lights!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

one evening when chris was working i decided to pack up the girls to go check out ‘candy cane lane.’  it’s a nearby neighborhood known for their christmas light displays.  figured this would be a good test run to see if we could come back and walk through the neighborhood with chris.

it was a big hit!

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so, the next night we bundled up and loaded up for a nice twinkly stroll.

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emilymae slept for 95% of the outing.


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a fun new tradition for our little crew.


a few days later we decided to go check out the lights at the zoo.

(thanks gran for the zoo pass!)

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there was also a bell concert going on by a local church.  anabelle walked right up to the front, found herself and carter a seat, sat there quietly and listening to the music, and then clapped after each song.  she even started to wave her arms a bit copying the conductor.

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. . . and to all a good night!


emilymae decided to wake up once we were back to the truck.


1 comment:

Vicki said...

So loved the glittery adventure! What a wonderful tradition to start!

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