

Sunday, December 9, 2012

on thanksgiving weekend amy and i took our little girls to get their ears pierced (anabelle and the guys were there too).  hello sparkle!


here are emilymae and olivia hanging out before their turn (& before the tears).  these little buddies were just cracking us up and they have already changed so much in just the last couple weeks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours. I loved reading and the pictures of your dd and her BF got their ears pierced together. I took my GF with her dd too. I loved how they looked and she was adorable.

This was a perfect age to pierce her ears! You were a smart mommy for doing it now and following mommy intuition earlier is best when mommy can care for them. Babies and little girls with little pierced ears celebrates their femininity and femaleness.

Our ped gave me some suggestions for moms having their infant dd's ears pierced as well.

If any moms are need some research before making their decision, then drop me an e-mail.


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