
big girl undies sort of fun

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

ok, this potty training business is not for the impatient or the unmotivated.  i was all psyched for the 3 day potty training guide i had read.  so, all kiddos are different and we are still working at it.  no biggie in the big picture but it sure can be consuming and a bit exhausting.  so far anabelle’s only consistent success is waking up from nap dry which is huge in my book.  she is just now starting to verbalize that she has to pee . . . ok, that she has peed.  oh well, we’ll get there.


relaxing and learning some abc’s


she is picking up so much lately - and appropriately still easily distracted as you can see.

rocking her big girl undies, oh and a necklace too, of course.


that morning she decided to try and get herself dressed too. 
man, i love this little lady!  potty accidents and all.

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trying to help papa make a decision in the cereal aisle.


i just ordered a new changing pad cover for emilymae.  anabelle loved the owls on it and decided it made a pretty sweet cape.


enjoying another breakfast together at our favorite spot.
thanks, mauri, for the cutie matching bracelets for me and a!

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anabelle still loves watching all the construction going on behind our complex.  a couple days ago one of the diggers was in a perfect spot for her to see from the living room.  she calls it a dig-dig and is happy to wave to it and say hi.  she also says uh-oh when it drops any dirt that it scooped up.  this day it was loading up dump trucks so there were lots of uh-oh’s.

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