
4 inches plus eyebrows & eyelashes

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

second trimester already?!  here we are, week 15.  all of my denial at the beginning of this pregnancy sure is going to make these months seem to go by fast.

as you can probably tell, i’m sporting the same dress in my weekly pics.  i tried to do a good stretch test on it in the store, but we’ll have to wait and see if it can really hang in until week 40.

15 weeks

baby is supposed to be approximately 4 inches long right now and growing eyebrows & eyelashes even though baby’s eyes are still sealed shut for now.  as for me, i’m still eating several times a day, have the seat in my truck reclined pretty far back, and am pretty sure i need to pull out my exercise ball again soon..  i’m also trying to remember the best positions for all of my pillows at night and trying not to crowd chris too much.


Vicki said...

Pregnancy so becomes you!

DaReal McCoys said...

Loving the idea of the dress - I'll have to store that one away. You look fab!

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