
my first sewing date

Saturday, November 12, 2011

on monday my girlfriend invited me over for a sewing date.  she offered to teach me me how to use my sewing machine (i got it for christmas at least 3 years ago) and i was super excited!  i went over to her house after all the babies were in bed and we got to work on some cutie flannel pj pants for our little girls.

it was so fun to spend the evening together, to learn something new, to chat in complete and undistracted sentences, and just play.  thanks sarah!

and look, i did it!




i was trying to get some pics while she was watching a show



after a few minutes anabelle decided to watch from another angle

then back in her chair, enjoying her show


‘hi momma.  are you still taking pictures?’


i have found myself at joann’s fabric a time or two to get more cozy fabrics and am excited to play on my machine some more . . . just need to find some down time.  our next project – a simple jumper – perfect for the chilly weather.

1 comment:

talesofahummingbird said...

love the pics! :) its fun to make them but the awesomeness really amplifies when you see your smiling baby wearing what you made! p is so proud of his new pj's he is showing everyone we skype with this week what his momma made him. i love that he wakes up now and asks "what did you make for me, momma?"
can't wait for our next one! oxox

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