
left foot, right foot

Monday, August 8, 2011


holy dirty floor!  i’ll have to get to that later.  this one is a little crazy but i think it’s pretty funny.  charley, you might want to watch out.

do a little walking, make a little music.  big day!

a few weeks ago, chris & anabelle went to target on a daddy-daughter date to do some shopping with her birthday money.  this is one of the outfits he/they picked out.  pretty cute, right?!

just in the last week or so, anabelle has started to give me a hug and sometimes a kiss too after nursing.  it’s pretty awesome!  she has also started to crawl into my lap when i’m sitting on the floor ready to read to her before a nap or bedtime.  that’s pretty great too.

she is definitely learning that she has her own mind.  seems that we are in a bit of a “mommy, i appreciate your ideas & suggestions, but i really prefer to do something else right now” sort of phase.  ok, so it’s probably not a phase, more something we will learn to compromise on for years & years to come.

tonight i tried giving anabelle her own spoon to ‘use’ while i fed her yogurt with another spoon.  success!  we might be on our way to a little spoon food again, yah!

we’ve been making up lots of random verses for ‘if you’re happy and you know it’.  seems to be a hit this week.  anabelle’s buddy mason likes that tune so we decided to give it a try too.  so far, there are two that she’s great at.  ‘if you’re happy and you know it share a laugh’ & ‘if you’re happy and you know it clear your throat’.  ha ha!


decisions, decision.

chris now has orders in the works to join the sharp shooters here at miramar on the first of november. we are both really excited to be staying in san diego for a bit longer!  chris will get to fly a lot and will have the opportunity to do a good amount of teaching which he’s looking forward to.  there is still a pesky ia billet floating around though that we are waiting to hear about.  wait & see – standard.  in the meantime we all ‘just keep swimming’ as always.

1 comment:

talesofahummingbird said...

she is so fun to watch in action! what a big girl!

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