

Friday, January 28, 2011

when you really enjoy your camera and you have such lovely subjects to snap pictures of, how can you resist . . . . over & over & over?!

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anabelle & i getting ready to go meet auntie deidre (godmother) for a lunch date yesterday.

enjoying a little time with carter (monkey).

yep, that's a baby polo.

anabelle often wakes up right before chris leaves for work. it works out nice that he can see her for a few minutes before his long day. the other day she was working some crazy bed head.
good morning, anabelle!

her eyes are still beautiful blue. the doctor says that if they are going to change they will likely change in the next 3 months.

just taking it easy in her crib.

1 comment:

Schafer Photography said...

Wow, Susan and Chris, that is one beautiful happy baby. Love the photos and blog posts. Keep them coming.

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