
thanks doc - see you in january

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

today was anabelle's 4 month check up and she (actually we) did great. a few tears from belle and none from me this time. i really like her pediatrician, dr park, and she was more than pleased with how anabelle is doing. at 19 1/2 weeks, anabelle is 13lb 4oz and 25 1/2 inches!
we got to chat about starting solids at 6 months (something her daddy will get to be involved in), her teething, and her next check up . . . not until january, yah!
ok, time for bed. we have an early (and probably very chilly) morning tomorrow for the turkey trot. thank goodness auntie amy is doing it with us!
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here we are relaxing this morning & saying a little prayer for a good dr visit

undressed and waiting for the dr. if only we all got to wait with a cozy blanket instead of a thin gown.

all done (tough girl) and ready to go home. it's so nice that the dr's office is only 1/4 mile from the house.

at lunch with a girlfriend yesterday

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