
chatty baby

Saturday, October 16, 2010

just an afternoon chat with miss anabelle.

(yes, she's actually wearing a bow! well, she did for about 30 minutes)

it has been another good week for me & anabelle. this time next week we'll be in florida visiting the fam! there was no yoga class today so we went to the gym instead. now that i've signed myself up for a 10k on thanksgiving i really have to get this body moving.

we went to the movies on thursday. some of the theaters out here host what they call 'new parent movie'. at 10am, they show a new release for new parents to get out and bring baby. i was surprised to see over 30 babies there. our morning was not a graceful one but we did it! 10 minutes in and we both were smelling pretty milky (i'm not great at nursing without the boppy pillow), both were wearing some spit up, & she got a complete wardrobe change (it's amazing where things can escape from a full dirty diaper).

i've put together what chris & i are calling his baby ep's (emergency procedures), really just a little booklet of baby tips like, "the tabs on the diaper go forward - just like your flightsuit."

we have (ok, really just me) been making up new verses to the itsy bitsy spider and i now find myself with the melody stuck in my head on & off throughout the day.

i laughed to myself the other day when i realized that i now sort my laundry into 3 piles instead of 2 . . lights, darks, & pink.

random thought: we should all stop saving those special yummy candles for some fancy dinner or for company. use them now & enjoy them. why not light them for breakfast? then you start the day with a full belly and a fabulously smelling home. it's worth it! plus, stores will always be selling more candles.

just a little fun before bedtime:

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