
preparing for the mommy train

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

friends are saying baby has dropped. what do you think? i do know she continues to practice her own version of cirque de solie, stretching out, pressing on my ribs and other organs. i still feel really good and am rather mobile. no contractions yet, just slowing down a bit. i'm still fine with waiting.

we've done the hospital tour (not a highlight) and i've finished my birthing classes. now my mom is here (can i get a 'hooray'?!) and we're starting to decide what to pack for the big day, making a couple final purchases for baby's room (heaven knows she doesn't need more clothes), and having fun chatting about what things will be like when anabelle gets here.

i surely do miss chris. he's such a rock for me and i know he will be for belle too. i pray that he knows how much i wish he could be here & how ridiculously proud i am of him.

i'm still weighing in about the same, but baby is growing and thriving. i can't believe i'm going to meet her soon. it's just amazing. you carry them around this whole time and then 'poof' (ok, not really 'poof') there they are in front of your looking like a real baby!
belle & i had our first getaway on sunday when we spent the night at the hotel del in coronado. i volunteered at an event raising money to end childhood hunger. my boss had a comp'd room that she couldn't use and offered it to me. well, sure! it was a fun, quiet little sleepover. i loved getting to hear the ocean waves all night.

horizontal stripes

Monday, June 21, 2010

so what can they do to me now?
there is no hiding this roundness! i continue to be thankful that i still feel so good and baby seems to be doing well (37 weeks!). her movements are more rolly-polly now as she tries to find as much space as she can. i think she's getting quite cramped in there. i'm hoping she can hang in for a few more weeks though. no need to rush . .

my sweet friends deidre & lauren threw a shower for me this weekend. i had a great time. we don't usually have people over at our little condo so i really enjoyed so many friends being here. i'm making my way through all of the goodies and getting my thank you cards done. figured i really should get those finished before belle gets here.

i got to skype with chris a couple times this week. his connection is quite slow so i can't always see him, but he can see me. he always asks for a new belly view and 'we' are happy to model for him.

here is my view . . . can you see her pushing out on the left side?
(i know i have on the same dress in all the pics - it's new & it's comfy!)

four weeks left (give or take)

Monday, June 14, 2010

somehow i'm here with only 4 more weeks (give or take) until anabelle arrives. whoa! i'm feeling really excited about the experience and the challenge, praying things work out for a natural delivery (and completely aware things change), but am just fine waiting one more month for baby.

i just took this picture. man, my belly definitely looks different from above than it does from the side. i was sort of surprised by how much i've grown! no wonder i'm starting to feel the way i'm feeling. my hips are getting loose and my back is a little tired. i'm really looking forward to my massage tomorrow!

chris is about 1 month into this deployment and doing well. we've been able to skype for a bit each weekend which is great and i know will really help us stay connected once anabelle gets here. i can't wait to introduce him to her!

thanks to the ladies i've talked to recently about it all and for the encouragement about having a natural delivery, breastfeeding, and getting through this with the husband away. i appreciate you sharing your stories.

holy hot flash

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

so that's the newest addition to my pregnancy - one or two hotflashes in the late morning. it's an interesting experience for a girl who tends to get cold if it's below 70 degrees (ok, probably more like 75).

yesterday, i took anabelle over to meet her first boyfriend - the handsome 2 week old mason mccoy (and his sweet mommy, alisha, a fellow chi-o). shhh . . . don't tell her daddy. i'm not sure he can handle there being any boys in the picture quite yet. mason was so perfect and little. bonus that he's a gator!

this is my first week of no work. sort of feels like i'm on summer vacation.

chris and i were able to connect on skype on sunday and had a great visit. he continues to be an over achiever (slightly lacking in the combat 'stash growing department, but that's fine with me. he's looking 'salty/dirty' enough).

the weather has been wonderful. i'm taking my time cleaning up the house, enjoying little cat naps in the afternoon, catching up on some good movies, and planning dates with friends here in san diego.

i have a dr's appt tomorrow and then acupuncture on thursday. just to keep belle motivated in the right direction (ha), each day i've been singing a few made up lines about getting her head down and getting ready. she's probably in there already practicing her 'oh gosh, mom' face.

well, only 5 weeks to go. how incredible!!

*i saw this commercial a few times on the tv & love it. i googled it, youtubed it, and couldn't find it anywhere. when i realized i had caught it with a show i dvr-ed, i figured i'd record it myself. i wanted to share it with chris & figured i'd post it on here too. enjoy!

working hard

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

. . . my shirt, that is!
it's pretty slim pickings what fits and makes it all the way around my belly to my pants. i've been enjoying a four day weekend. it started with a quick skype from chris. he's doing well, keeping busy, already flying missions, has buzzed is hair, and surprisingly received his first package from me in only 6 days. not bad.

tomorrow i begin my last week of work. is it wrong to be excited about that? it has been a great experience. i think i'm just ready to really focus on baby and finding a way to make it sink in that she's almost here. i can't wait to meet her! chris & i are undecided - do you think she'll be blonde or brunette?

i took myself to get my toes done late last week. it was a nice little treat. can you see charley's nose peaking in the picture, just checking things out?
we're feeling really good. i have another check up next week. baby is definitely working on her stretches - pressing out against opposite sides of my belly. it's pretty fascinating. sometimes i wish i could peek in there and see what she's up to. hopefully with all that stretching out, she's also making her way upside down (pretty please!). this week the web says she's about as big as one of those 'american girl' dolls and should weigh about 5 pounds.
ok, snack time.
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