

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ends up all of my cheeks are getting bigger now. my little face is starting to look a bit round. oh man!

chris and i had our first birthing class on saturday. i really enjoyed it and am so glad chris is getting to attend a few classes before he leaves. i'm also grateful that i get to connect with my doula on a weekly basis. on sunday we went to balboa hospital to fill out all of my admissions paperwork. It was pretty cool to write down belle's name. we got a chance to check out one of the labor/delivery rooms as well as one of the room in the mommy/infant ward. is there a reason they put both on the 3rd floor?

we are still doing our research on setting up a video teleconference to connect with chris from the hospital. we're really hoping that works out.

dear baby - i can definitely tell you are growing. i think you might be pushing on a nerve because the last couple days i've had a numb spot around my upper right ribs. seems like it's not affecting you so i think we're good.
are you still enjoying your daddy's reading at night time? he's working on a special picture book for you - all pictures of him to try to help you get to know him before december. we are falling in love with you more everyday and are really getting excited to meet you and see what you look like!

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