
New Job: Things to do=lots, People to meet=oodles, Maternity benefits=zero

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

found out today that working as a govt civilian might be a great opportunity but it doesn't exactly support the newly hired & expecting employee. bummer. basically my benefit is that i get to use all of my earned sick time and then my accrued vacation time as my maternity leave. if my doctor recommends that i have additional time off after that, he has to write a note which i can then use to request leave without pay. now isn't that generous?

i had full intentions of telling my co today but by the time i got up the nerve to go talk to him, he wasn't in his office. guess i'll try again tomorrow.

our trip to salt lake city was fabulous! it was so great to see some of our USNA friends. it's just one of those groups of people that seem to recharge you as a person after getting to spend time wtih them. thanks guys, we had a blast! chris loved the snowboarding and i had a very relaxing massage. if you are looking for a smaller resort to go to, definitely check out 'solitude'. the only glitch in the trip was a quick bout of motion sickness driving down the mountain one evening. yikes!

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