
dancing in the desert

Monday, October 27, 2014

sadly my blog is again mighty behind but i'm sure if you actually know me and are reading this you are well aware we have moved to edwards air force base in the high desert . . happily still in cali. it has been a change. any move is really. life quickly picked up speed. calendars and schedules seemed instantly filled. these peeps sure like to be social!
i have silly amounts of stories to share and even more pictures. i just got a new phone and computer - both of which i am trying to learn. tonight, though, i discovered a blogger app so i downloaded and figured i'd give it a quick spin. not sure what options i get for formatting but hey at least a post is getting created! plus i recently came across these pictures from our first month here and had to get them posted.
as seems to be my trend out here, i'm up late squeezing in some 'me' things and i really should get to bed. so, for now i say cheers to restful night, cheers to apps that actually do make things easier, cheers to new spaces and learning curves & cheers to sweet lovely friends and family who help keep you 'you' even from far away!

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