
we’re still here

Thursday, August 22, 2013

yes, we’re still here.

I don’t like these long breaks from my blog but at least that doesn’t mean I’ve had to take a long break from these awesome littles.  unfortunately breaks are just part of our normal with chris.  but look, he’s in this first shot!  that’s his leg, I swear.

everyone is doing pretty well.  emilymae is getting long and lean.  still not walking but starting to sign a little here and there.  anabelle is so creative.  she makes connections and associations all over the place.  we made up a song so she could learn to spell her name and about 75 percent of the time she’s so stinkin’ sweet to her little sister.  this week, 3 is giving her a run for her money . . . and me too.  an early nap today made a huge difference so I’m hoping we can shift our schedules and reduce the crazy.

as for me, I’m good. 
I’m happy.  I’m in love.  I’m sleepy.  my brain is full of daydreams, lists, ideas, questions, decisions.

wouldn’t have it any other way.

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here is a quick peek into just a regular sunday morning
(last weekend)


she doesn’t know much about spidey, but she’s definitely a fan.

‘check me out, emilymae!’


this was all before 7am and right before the four of us headed outside together to walk charley.  I know we were a sight!

yes, our little spidey came along too and these are the shoes she decided to wear.  definitely the perfect choice!


I know, I miss you too.  xo

hopefully I’ll be back soon.

ema’s big day!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

last week we got to celebrate little emilymae’s birthday!  the big 0-1! 
she is simply awesome and it was an awesome day.

emilymae got her own little photo shoot beforehand just like anabelle (well, after breakfast at cantina – notice anabelle’s happy face?).  thankfully chris was there to help reset her every few seconds.  she doesn’t sit still for long.

check out anabelle’s sweet wings on her shoes!
(a birthday present from miss amy & olivia)


chris and anabelle stayed busy while i got emilymae ready.

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papa-daughter magic . . . like nothing else.


the beauties of my everyday!!  crazy blessed.



emilymae needed a turn to fly too!


unlike anabelle, emilymae loved the cold ocean water on her toes and wanted the waves to keep coming back up the shore.



muggy, thanks for helping get some pictures with me in them. xo


when i first sat emilymae down a wave crept up and almost soaked her and her blanket.  once we regrouped – and moved a bit farther away from the water – it was time shoot. 
here are some of my favs!

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and then it was birthday day . . . or the night before.
(papa was in charge of bath and pj’s that night)


happy birthday, emilymae!!

(thanks for choosing us)




we spent the day playing at amy’s.  our parking lot was being resurfaced so we had to park down the hill (not fun!).  it was quite a trek that morning with both girls and all of our things.  it was quite the momma challenge (which i’m happy i accomplished) of trying to let anabelle do her thing, embrace her being an adventurer, and to not rush her along or be annoyed as she curioiusly squated on the sidewalk to watch a row of ants march by.
‘do you see them, momma?’
she worked hard marching all the way and discovering as she went so she decided she had to take a break before we loaded up in the truck.



thanks merrell ladies for sharing your day and helping us celebrate our littlest treasure.
(still not quite 16 pounds)
emilymae is still nursing like a champ, still undecided about sleeping through the night, and still fascinated by her big sister.  she’s brave and strong and a teeny shining light!

*party enough and someone is bound to go in the pool with their clothes on!

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the next day i decided to give pigtails a try for the first time on emilymae.  so stinkin’ cute but makes her look so big!  just one day into being one and she was already growing and changing . . . and climbing up on nearly everything she could manage!




here are anabelle’s first pigtails just a couple weeks before she turned one.


april activities

Friday, August 2, 2013

yep, still a bit behind on posts but working through my list of ‘thoughts’.  there were a bunch of fun outings in april so I’ll just share them all together.

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easter was right before April so I’ll just start there.


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then a breezy little park date by the bay

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then the flower fields
(all the babes look so little in these pictures – thanks for being our photog, amy!)



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anabelle is a hit every year we go!

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handing out with some of her littler friends

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and swim class



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and seaport village

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and bath time with their buddy


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