
10 months

Friday, May 24, 2013

ten big months – swoosh! – they flew right by and barely let me sit still.  no need, i suppose.  i’ll sit (& sleep) later.


i’m so stinkin’ in love with this life, these littles, this mommy role, this journey!
these challenges & accomplishments everyday surely give the hours some spice and true sweetness.

i’ve said it before – no matter how crazy the day might have been it was still an awesome day because i got to spend it together with my two bitty besties!


emilymae is getting more and more confident on her feet.  she happily pushes their little wagon down the hall and then gently rams the door over and over until someone helps turn her around so she can walk all the way back.

these sisters are still working on sharing.  i’m guessing that will continue to go on for much longer.  they are almost always so excited to see each other and have a blast making different noises at each other across the table at mealtime.  they put on a pretty great show for me.  so thankful to have the VIP pass!

happy 10 months, emilymae!


just some (ok, a bunch) everyday life randoms

Monday, May 20, 2013

my little ladies keep me busy, keep my heart so full, keep me learning, and definitely keep me on my toes!

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anabelle still gives her babies momma milk here & there.  it was a sweet moment to capture her with her glow worm.

emilymae is still in our room but her little nook has come together quite nicely i think.

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the phase of making homemade baby food has come & gone.  emilymae is now already enjoying a wide range of finger foods and nibbles of what we are eating.  some of her regular favs are yogurt, frozen peas, meatloaf, freeze dried blueberries, black beans, and o’s.

chris has had both girls on his own a little more.  i even got a much needed massage last week (a gift from my birthday). 
here he is taking both girls on a walk with charley.

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the girls and i got a rough bug after our cabo trip.  we camped out in the living room during the days napping whenever we could.

whenever chris is home in the morning, anabelle loves to climb in bed and snuggle with him.  lately she’s been referring to him as ‘my love.’  she’ll say ‘where is my love?  where is my papa, my love?’

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we went on our first baby free date in april.  we walked to a nearby sushi spot and then picked up a treat at trader joe’s before our walk home.  we had a great time and surely enjoyed the undistracted time together.  we are doing what we can to at least make it a monthly thing.

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not sure what happened at the tea party in the left picture – looks like something serious went down.

anabelle is a whiz on the iphone.  here is one of her latest pictures she took of us.

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silly striped girls before bed

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this was the first time i caught emilymae pulling herself up to standing.  we were both pretty excited about it!

and then another time when chris took both girls on a walk – anabelle wanted to wear her baby too
(all while sporting her elephant pj’s and ladybug rain boots)

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it wasn’t long after she pulled up on the furniture that she was pulling up in her crib.  oh man!

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making homemade coconut almond butter.  it’s amazing but super loud!


first day of cheerios and a helpful big sister!

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  anabelle goes through phases of the things she likes to take to bed.  sometimes it’s books, sometimes it’s her new sand toys, and one night last week it was the new tile samples we got for our bathroom (we are having our tub replaced because of water damage from our upstairs neighbor).  she’s very particular and wants them all placed just so in her own little way.  she’s all about sorting, matching, and lining things up.


finally getting around to using my real camera and not just my phone.

emilymae is on the move even faster now.  she crawls over things, under things, walks along the couch,
& is starting to push her walker wagon all on her own.

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chris decided it was time to teach anabelle how to dunk a treat in milk.  i’m not sure what they were dunking though, maybe animal crackers.

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two pearly teeth on the bottom and more on the way.


check out those baby delts and biceps!

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i think emilymae is trying to say “excuse me, momma, do you see what’s going on here?  i’m not so sure about this.'”


my girlies!

Friday, May 10, 2013

i wanted to at least squeeze in a few side by sides that i noticed lately . .

headbands are definitely come in handy with my girls once they start feeding themselves. 
with all that hair it just gets everywhere!

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headbands are great for playtime too.  a little extra flair never hurt, right?!

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and then there are the sneaky faces.
i see you!

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part of me wishes i could just stay up all night and blog but i know that would be a terrible idea come morning time with both girls wake up.  anabelle is now my favorite entertainer – still an expert hopper & unpacker.  she really likes lining things up and nice and neat which i love!  emilymae is everywhere.  i bet she’ll be walking by her birthday or close to it.  she’s babbly and will try to match anabelle’s volume every now and then.  both have incredible giggles, awesome hair, and happy little hearts.  both girls are enjoying swimming lessons and love the swing chris hung for us.

i’m taking notes on all the blog posts running through my head.  more to come . . . eventually.


here is one picture from our girly trip to seaport village and the carousel – that’s one on the list.

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