Sunday, February 27, 2011
sitting up
Sunday, February 27, 2011
last sunday, while we were up in maine (that post will come next), anabelle did some sitting up by herself for the first time. for a little more practice this week, i piled up some pillows around her to see how she'd do. i'm happy to report that i only did this one day (oh silly mom) and now she sitting up great with just a boppy behind her.
baby watching
Sunday, February 27, 2011
this one is a little long but still fun to watch. it's crazy to see how much see has grown & developed (16lb 8 oz at her last check up!). we love getting to watch her try & learn and imagine her at other stages.
a couple weeks ago chris ran into a friend of mine at work. she asked him how daddy life was treating him. one of his responses: "i can't wait until we can wrestle!" that's my muggy!
stacking rings
Saturday, February 26, 2011
the other night anabelle & i were playing with her stacking rings waiting for chris to get home from work. i started to stack them and then say 'boom' as she knocked them over. i wasn't expecting the great little giggle it caused. only a few minutes later chris walked in to join us in the fun.
bounce: to move in a lively way
Saturday, February 26, 2011
last week we got anabelle a new jumper. the first one just didn't seem to do it for her. she loves to bounce but couldn't quite figure out how to work it on her own. as you can see in these videos, she has no problem with the new one.
go, anabelle, go!
this little girl could bounce all day.
a little mealtime conversation
Saturday, February 26, 2011
saying grace or singing praises to the chef?!